i decided today that if i was going to see any beauty of my favorite season... i needed to walk over to the park...
i was sure that somewhere burried in all the madness that is golden gate park...i would find some yellows... oranges... and reds to put a smile on my face...
i braved the sunday foot traffic that devours the park on the weekend... with my earphones in... tuned to some old skool bad religion... i was suddenly amped to start my adventure...

i cross over and skip through the racing bike lanes...dodging skateboarders and insane pubescents that appear to be invinceable... making the next pedestrian crossing their human target...

then i came upon the japanese tea garden... and it dawned on me that i have lived 10 blocks away for the past 3+ years and still have never been... so... i cut my way through the photo ops and up the steps to check it out...

that's it?! what in the hell... i wanna see some bonsai... and a dry japanese garden... w/ a rake!... and walk through some bamboo.. not stare at it from a distance... and the tea?! where was the tea!?...
i did see the gift store... that just so happened to be the most popular part of the garden...

i must say... not a place i will go back to... maybe in spring.. to get some shots of the cherry blossoms... but overall.. dissappointed
i must admit that LA so far holds the best spot... pasadenas huntington house... amazing... and they have a chinese garden...

even though i was feeling down n out.. i turned a corner... and noticed the sun decided to give me some love... i was standing under a gorgeous yellow/orange fall tree...

all of a sudden i heard the conversations of others and realized i got caught up in the moment...
the beauty of what i finally was seeing swept to my never never land and i was getting some decent shots...
however... once i started to hear foreign tongue... i decided to switch up the playlist and finished shootin to some dilated peoples...
let the beats flow in my head and followed a coi fish around the entire pond and ended back up full circle...